Guilty pleas set aside due to the cumulative effect of procedural deficiencies and irregularies: R. v. Nettleton, 2025 ONCA 155
Fine in lieu of forfeiture reduced by $222,730 in light of recovery through civil judgment: R. v. Burden, 2024 ONCA 880
New trial ordered on charges of sexual interference and invitiation to sexual touching due to errors in the trial judge’s assessment of crediblity and potential collusion: R. v. R.I., 2024 ONCA 185
Robbery convictions overturned due to misapprehension of evidence by the trial judge: R. v. Ali, 2023 ONCA 411
First-degree murder conviction overturned and new trial ordered due to errors in jury instructions that improperly linked verdicts on separate counts and failed to leave included offences for consideration: R. v. Pan, 2023 ONCA 362
Additional credit for pre-sentence custody granted: R. v. Khansaiyasith, 2023 ONCA 318
Court of Appeal overturns adult sentences for young persons found guilty of murder and imposes youth sentences with intensive rehabilitative custody and supervision: R. v. M.W., 2017 ONCA 22 (Crown application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada dismissed: SCC Case No. 37480)
Firearms and robbery convictions overturned due to errors in jury instructions relating to party liability: R. v. Kennedy, 2016 ONCA 879
Crown appeal dismissed as Court of Appeal holds that review board did not owe Crown a common law duty of procedural fairness prior to adding privileges to proposed disposition: Re Kachkar, 2014 ONCA 250
Intervention on behalf of the Criminal Lawyers' Association in appeal relating to the co-conspirators hearsay exception: R. v. Puddicombe, 2013 ONCA 506
Firearms convictions overturned and new trial ordered due to errors in relation to evidence of good character, bad character and narrative: R. v. Tash, 2013 ONCA 380
Murder conviction overturned and new trial ordered due to errors in jury instructions relating to hearsay and post-offence conduct: R. v. Martin, 2013 ONCA 21
Surrender order quashed as Court of Appeal holds that Minister of Justice must consider Gladue principles in deciding whether to extradite aboriginal Canadians: United States v. Leonard, 2012 ONCA 622 (Crown application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada dismissed: SCC Case No. 35136)
Murder conviction overturned and new trial ordered due to improper jury exhortation: R. v. Vivian, 2012 ONCA 324
Murder conviction overturned and new trial ordered due to errors in jury instructions relating to "thin skull" principle and "common sense inference" on intent: R. v. Pittman, 2011 ONCA 148
Conspiracy and trafficking convictions overturned and new trial ordered due to errors in jury instructions on co-conspirators hearsay exception and party liability: R. v. Bogiatzis, 2010 ONCA 902
Young person acquitted of manslaughter in high-profile shooting: R. v. G.C., 2010 ONSC 178
Crown decision to require young person to be tried by jury set aside as an abuse of process: R. v. G.C., 2010 ONSC 115
Hearsay statements of convicted murderer excluded from young person's trial: R. v. G.C., 2009 CanLII 69333 (ON SC)
Sexual assault conviction overturned and new trial ordered due to trial judge misapprehending evidence and improperly taking judicial notice of matter not in evidence: R. v. Perkins, 2007 ONCA 585